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Relationship Couples Therapy
- Licensed & Certified Therapists
- HIPAA Compliant
- Secure and Confidential Service
- Available via Text | Voice | Video
On your own, or with your partner.
Marriage and Couples Counseling
Why ACT Teletherapy?
ACT Teletherapy is a private practice providing online marriage and couples counseling. Our professional online therapy is available from the convenience and privacy of your home.
Our Philosphy
When you are not talking to each other, or when you’re talking but always angry or negative, don’t let your relationship deteriorate.
Courtships are a fairytale whirlwind. Long-term relationships take work. Having the tools to manage the challenging times is an important step in keeping your marriage or relationship healthy.
We can help.
Good communications are the foundation of a solid relationship. Don’t wait too long before seeking help. You and your partner will be in a better place if you ACT now and get help soon than later.
Relationship Couples Therapy
- Licensed & Certified Therapists
- HIPAA Compliant
- Secure and Confidential Service
- Available via Text | Voice | Video
On your own, or with your partner.
Marriage and Couples Counseling
Why ACT Teletherapy?
ACT Teletherapy is a private practice providing online marriage and couples counseling. Our professional online therapy is available from the convenience and privacy of your home.
Our Philosophy
When you are not talking to each other, or when you’re talking but always angry or negative, don’t let your relationship deteriorate.
Courtships are a fairytale whirlwind. Long-term relationships take work. Having the tools to manage the challenging times is an important step in keeping your marriage or relationship healthy.
We can help.
Good communications are the foundation of a solid relationship. Don’t wait too long before seeking help. You and your partner will be in a better place if you ACT now and get help soon than later.
Text Counseling
Our monthly plan includes unlimited text messaging with your therapist. Text back and forth when you need help. Save money with a monthly plan. Texting availability varies for each therapist.
Video/Voice Counseling
$65 per 30 minute session
Our weekly video and voice plan allows you to schedule a video chat or a call with your personal therapist. Pick the method that works best for you (or do both!).
Couples Counseling
$99 per 30 minute session
You and your spouse or significant other can set up a call or video with your personal counselor. You can be in your home or office, together or separate. Get the relationship you deserve!
Years of Serving People
Clients Helped
Fully Licensed & Certified Therapists
Our Areas of Expertise
- Betrayal
- Keeping secrets
- Infidelity
Poor Communication
Sexual Dysfunction
- Changes in sex life
- Sexual disfunction
Financial Issues
- Pornograhpy, Social Media, Texting
Ready to Get Started?
ACT Teletherapy is committed to providing quality online counseling that is private and secure.